Our Services
Fintex Industries Pte Ltd has in place a fully certified quality system.
The Company’s quality management system is certified for compliance with ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements (BSI certificate number: FS 558211).
Fintex has also fulfilled the requirements for The Workplace Safety and Health Council and obtained BizSAFE Level 3 ( Certification no. E02313) since 2009.
Fintex has also been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands (Cert.no.: 20131400015) as a mark of Robust brand performance and exceptional service delivery.
Fintex has been inducted in the list of recipients for Singapore Entrepreneurs’ Award 2015/2016 by the initiative and prestigious business accolade that recognizes the entrepreneurial elites in Singapore.

Plating & Metal Finishing
- Copper
- Copper plating
- Nickel
- Nickel plating
- QQ-N-290A, Class 1
- Tin (bright)
- Tin (bright)
- ASTM B545
- Zinc
- Zinc Plating-
- Trivalent Clear
- Trivalent Black
- Trivalent Blue
- Trivalent Color/Yellow
- Hexavalent Yellow
- Hexavalent Olive Drab
- ASTM B633
- Electroless Nickel
- Electroless Nickel
- MIL-C-26074D Class 1
- Anodize
- Clear Anodize (Aluminium)
- Black Anodize (Aluminium)
- MIL-A-8625F, Type 2, Class 1, Class 2
- Clear Chromate
- Clear Chromate
- MIL-C-5541F, Type 2
- Passivation
- Passivation (Stainless steel)
- ASTM A967
- ASTM A380
- QQ-P-35C

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment

Type of Plating / Treatment
All industries: – Aerospace, Automotive, Electronic components, Computer and Precision parts, Medical & Life Sciences, Oil & Gas.
Clients – Over 140 companies.
Equipment / Instruments-
- Barrel or Rack Plating
- Industrial Ovens
- Bowman: X-Ray Fluorescence
- Fisher Couloscope – Destructive
- Delta Scope – Non-Destructive
- Digital Micrometer

Cleaning, Blasting & Texturing Surface Enhancement
This is performed to increase adhesion, thus reducing flaking of sputtered materials and oxides. Fintex produces surface roughness to achieve peak performance on shields, with our certified
equipments to monitor surface roughness.
Wafer, Semiconductors and recording media industries
Cleaning of Shields – Sputtering system machines makers
- Blazers
- Varian
- Shibaura
- MRC-M-250
- Anelva
- Metal Surface texturing of shields for vacuum sputtering and evaporating systems in the Semi-conductors, Wafer Fabs and storage devices industries
- Thermal Arc Spray coating of Aluminium, Copper, Steel and Sputtering Shields, engineering shaft & machine parts
- Aluminium Oxide Provider

Additional equipments/services
upon customer request
We do accept special requests that require customization to meet our clients’ requirements.
- ROHS Compliant
- Salt Spray Test – as Requested
- Laboratory Analysis